On Scaredy Cat Farm, knowledge is power. So after I saw this green bug during sod removal on Monday, I sent its picture in to Seattle Tilth. Their vision is "to transform the NW region into the organic gardening capital of the world." And I think they can do it because they run a fantastic helpline that is quick, informative, and sympathetic towards newbie gardners like me.
Unfortunately, this bug is most likely a cutworm. The helpline would need to see its legs for a positive id --but since I left it to its own devices on Monday, I wouldn't even know where to begin searching for it now. I guess I am going to have to start bagging and tagging unknown critters until my knowledge of good and bad bugs is complete.
Cutworms can be really damaging to vegetable starts. They like to eat the leaves off the crown of emerging plants. I should have eliminated it. I am not big on smooshing bugs -- but sometimes you have to tough it out for the greater good.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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