... and all is good. UPS dropped a 5 foot long, triangular tube shaped box on my doorstep right before dinner. The kids were so busy pretending they were animals that I was able to wrestle it into the garage with minimal fuss. And now I have the promise of summer fruit stashed in various places: strawberries in the fridge and blueberries and kiwi in the garage. (Thanks Raintree for the owner's manual with the tips on what to do if you are not ready to plant.)
There is nothing like having too much to do to help a person prioritize. Suddenly I know that I am not going to mess with a fancy drip or emitter watering system. In fact, I think I will water most of my vegetables by hand this year -- which will probably turn out to be a very popular decision with the kids once things warm up.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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