Yesterday I reduced my tomato crop by 1/4 (I only have 8 plants so I took 2 out.) They hadn't produced any fruit yet (not even the green kind.) I figured they couldn't produce fruit in what remains of the season and were only sucking up precious resources from the containers they were planted in. Hopefully the existing green tomatoes will ripen soon.
Today I hope to thin out my squashes for the same reason -- better to get some crop with fewer than no crop with many.
My garden has been largely overlooked lately. It has lost the fight against young kids, camps, camping, and houseguests. But as little as I have been able to put into it (or harvest from it), it still offers some great rewards. Like whenever I look out my kitchen window and "catch" the kids snacking on strawberries. Although I got very ambitious about my garden for a bit and later disheartened that I didn't come close to reaching my vision, getting to watch my kids forage is a pretty great reward in itself.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
This wasn't a great gardening year for any of us, unfortunately. Rejoice in the small victories! ;-)